17 research outputs found

    Battery Charge Control in Solar Photovoltaic Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic and Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm

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    The study focuses on the integration of a fuzzy logic-based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system, an optimized proportional Integral-based voltage controller, and the Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm into a solar PV battery setup. This integrated approach aims to enhance energy harvesting efficiency under varying environmental conditions. The study’s innovation lies in effectively addressing challenges posed by diverse environmental factors and loads. The utilization of MATLAB 2022a Simulink for modeling and the Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm for PI-controller tuning further strengthens our findings. Testing scenarios, including constant and variable irradiation, underscore the significant enhancements achieved through the integration of fuzzy MPPT and the Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm with the PI-based voltage controller. These enhancements encompass improved power extraction, optimized voltage regulation, swift settling times, and overall efficiency gains.The authors were supported by the Vitoria-Gasteiz Mobility Lab Foundation, an organization of the government of the Provincial Council of Araba and the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz through the following project grant (“Generación de mapas mediante drones e Inteligencia Computacional”)

    Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning: A Survey

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    Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system and cognitive processes, explicitly impairing detailed mental analysis. Throughout this condition, the affected individual’s cognitive abilities to process and analyze information gradually deteriorate, resulting in mental decline. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in endeavors aimed at identifying Alzheimer’s disease and addressing its progression. Research studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of genetic factors, stress, and nutrition in developing this condition. The utilization of computer-aided analysis models based on machine learning and artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly enhance the exploration of various neuroimaging methods and non-image biomarkers. This study conducts a comparative assessment of more than 80 publications that have been published since 2017. Alzheimer’s disease detection is facilitated by utilizing fundamental machine learning architectures such as support vector machines, decision trees, and ensemble models. Furthermore, around 50 papers that utilized a specific architectural or design approach concerning Alzheimer’s disease were examined. The body of literature under consideration has been categorized and elucidated through the utilization of data-related, methodology-related, and medical-fostering components to illustrate the underlying challenges. The conclusion section of our study encompasses a discussion of prospective avenues for further investigation and furnishes recommendations for future research activities on the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

    Face Recognition with Symmetrical Face Training Samples Based on Local Binary Patterns and the Gabor Filter

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    In the practical reality of face recognition applications, the human face can have only a limited number of training images. However, it is known that, in general, increasing the number of training images also increases the performance of face recognition systems. In this case, a new set of training samples can be generated from the original samples, using the symmetry property of the face. Although many face recognition methods have been proposed in the literature, a robust face recognition system is still a challenging task. In this paper, recognition performance was improved by using the property of face symmetry. Moreover, the effects of illumination and pose variations were reduced. A Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, based on the Local Binary Pattern, which is a new approach for face recognition using symmetry, has been presented. The method has three main stages, preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. A Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform with Single-Level and Gaussian Low-Pass Filter were used, separately, for preprocessing. The Local Binary Pattern, Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix, and the Gabor filter were used for feature extraction, and the Euclidean Distance was used for classification. The proposed method was implemented and evaluated using the Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) and Yale datasets. This study also examined the importance of the preprocessing stage in a face recognition system. The experimental results showed that the proposed method had a recognition accuracy of 100%, for both the ORL and Yale datasets, and these recognition rates were higher than the methods in the literature

    New Auxiliary Function with Properties in Nonsmooth Global Optimization for Melanoma Skin Cancer Segmentation

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    In this paper, an algorithm is introduced to solve the global optimization problem for melanoma skin cancer segmentation. The algorithm is based on the smoothing of an auxiliary function that is constructed using a known local minimizer and smoothed by utilising Bezier curves. This function achieves all filled function properties. The proposed optimization method is applied to find the threshold values in melanoma skin cancer images. The proposed algorithm is implemented on PH2, ISBI2016 challenge, and ISBI 2017 challenge datasets for melanoma segmentation. The results show that the proposed algorithm exhibits high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity compared with other methods

    Оптимізація Харріса Хокса для маршруту автомобілів швидкої допомоги в розумних містах

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    The ambulance routing problem is one of the capacitated ambulance routing problem forms. It deals with injuries and their requests for saving. Therefore, the main aim of the ambulance routing problem is to determine the minimum (i.e., optimum) required distances of between: 1) accident places and the ambulance station; 2) the location of the nearest hospital and the accident places. Although of the efforts proposed in the literature, determining the optimum route is crucial. Therefore, this article seeks to tackle ambulance vehicle routing in smart cities using Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) algorithm. It attempts to take the victims as quickly as possible and confidently. Several engineering optimization problems confirm that HHO outperforms many well-known Swarm intelligence approaches. In our system, let’s use the node approach to produce a city map. Initially, the control station receives accident site information and sends it to the hospital and the ambulance. The HHO vehicle routing algorithm receives data from the driver; the data includes the location of the accident and the node position of the ambulance vehicle. Then, the driver’s shortest route to the accident scene by the HHO. The locations of the accident and hospital are updated by the driver once the car reaches the accident site. The fastest route (which results in the least travel time) to the hospital is then determined. The HHO can provide offline information for a potential combination of the coordinates of destination and source. Extensive simulation experiments demonstrated that the HHO can provide optimal solutions. Furthermore, performance evaluation experiments demonstrated the superiority of the HHO algorithm over its counterparts (SAODV, TVR, and TBM methods). Furthermore, for ten malicious nodes, the PDF of the algorithm was 0.91, which is higher than the counterpartsПроблема маршрутизації швидкої допомоги є однією з форм задачі маршрутизації швидкої допомоги. Основна мета задачі маршрутизації автомобіля швидкої допомоги полягає у визначенні мінімальних (тобто оптимальних) необхідних відстаней між: 1) місцями нещасних випадків і станцією швидкої медичної допомоги; 2) розташуванням найближчої лікарні та місця нещасних випадків. Серед запропонованих у літературі рішень визначення оптимального маршруту є вирішальним. Тому це дослідження мало за мету розглянути маршрути автомобіля швидкої допомоги в розумних містах за допомогою алгоритму оптимізації Харріса Хокса (ОХХ). Він  дозволяє максимально швидко і впевнено уникати жертв. Кілька проблем інженерної оптимізації підтверджують, що ННО перевершує багато добре відомих підходів ройового інтелекту. В розглянутій системі було використано вузловий підхід для створення карти міста. Спочатку диспетчерська станція отримує інформацію про місце аварії та передає її до лікарні та швидкої допомоги. Алгоритм маршрутизації автомобіля ОХХ отримує дані від водія; дані включають місце аварії та вузлове положення автомобіля швидкої допомоги. Потім найкоротший шлях водія до місця ДТП через ОХХ. Місце аварії та лікарні оновлює водій, коли автомобіль доїжджає до місця аварії. Після цього визначається найшвидший маршрут (що забезпечує найменший час у дорозі) до лікарні. ОХХ може надавати офлайн-інформацію про потенційну комбінацію координат пункту призначення та джерела. Масштабні експерименти з моделювання показали, що ОХХ може забезпечити оптимальні рішення. Крім того, експерименти з оцінки продуктивності продемонстрували перевагу алгоритму ОХХ над його аналогами (методи SAODV, TVR і TBM). Крім того, для десяти шкідливих вузлів PDF алгоритму становив 0,91, що вище, ніж у аналогі

    A Study of Deep Neural Network Controller-Based Power Quality Improvement of Hybrid PV/Wind Systems by Using Smart Inverter

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    Presently, climate change and global warming are the most uncontrolled global challenges due to the extensive fossil fuel usage for power generation and transportation. Nowadays, most of the developed countries are concentrating on developing alternative resources; consequently, they did huge investments in research and development. In general, alternative energy resources including hydropower, solar power, and wind energy are not harmful to nature. Today, solar power and wind power are very popular alternative energy sources due to their enormous availability in nature. In this paper, the photovoltaic cell and wind energy systems are investigated under various weather conditions. Based on the findings, we developed an advanced intelligent controller system that tracks the maximum power point. The MPPT controller is a must for the renewable energy sources due to unpredictable weather conditions. The main objective of this paper is to propose a new algorithm that is based on deep neural network (DNN) and maximum power point tracking (MPPT), which was simulated in a MATLAB environment for photovoltaic (PV) and wind-based power generation systems. The development of an advanced DNN controller that improves the power quality and reduces THD value for the microgrid integration of hybrid PV/wind energy system was performed. The MATLAB simulation tool has been used to develop the proposed system and tested its performance in different operating situations. Finally, we analyzed the simulation results applying the IEEE 1547 standard

    Skin Lesion Segmentation Method for Dermoscopy Images Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

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    The occurrence rates of melanoma are rising rapidly, which are resulting in higher death rates. However, if the melanoma is diagnosed in Phase I, the survival rates increase. The segmentation of the melanoma is one of the largest tasks to undertake and achieve when considering both beneath and over the segmentation. In this work, a new approach based on the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is proposed for the detection of melanoma from digital images. This method is simple, fast, flexible, and requires fewer parameters compared with other algorithms. The proposed approach is applied on the PH2, ISBI 2016 challenge, the ISBI 2017 challenge, and Dermis datasets. These bases contained images are affected by different abnormalities. The formation of the databases consists of images collected from different sources; they are bases with different types of resolution, lighting, etc., so in the first step, the noise was removed from the images by using morphological filtering. In the next step, the ABC algorithm is used to find the optimum threshold value for the melanoma detection. The proposed approach achieved good results in the conditions of high specificity. The experimental results suggest that the proposed method accomplished higher performance compared to the ground truth images supported by a Dermatologist. For the melanoma detection, the method achieved an average accuracy and Jaccard’s coefficient in the range of 95.24–97.61%, and 83.56–85.25% in these four databases. To show the robustness of this work, the results were compared to existing methods in the literature for melanoma detection. High values for estimation performance confirmed that the proposed melanoma detection is better than other algorithms, which demonstrates the highly differential power of the newly introduced features

    Hybrid Gray Wolf Optimization–Proportional Integral Based Speed Controllers for Brush-Less DC Motor

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    For Brush-less DC motors to function better under various operating settings, such as constant load situations, variable loading situations, and variable set speed situations, speed controller design is essential. Conventional controllers including proportional integral controllers, frequently fall short of efficiency expectations and this is mostly because the characteristics of a Brush-less DC motor drive exhibit non linearity. This work proposes a hybrid gray wolf optimization and proportional integral controller for management of the speed in Brush-less DC motors to address this issue. For constant load conditions, varying load situations and varying set speed situations, the proposed controller’s efficiency is evaluated and contrasted with that of PID controller, PSO-PI controller, and ANFIS. In this study, two PI controller are used to get the more stability of the system based on tuning of their coefficients with meta heuristic method. The simulation findings show that Hybrid GWO-PI-based controllers are in every way superior to other controllers under consideration. In this study, four case studies are presented, and the best-case study was obtained 0.18619, 0.01928, 0.00030, and 0.01233 for RMSE, IAE, ITAE, and ISE respectively